Clerk & Recorder

Sedgwick County Clerk & Recorder's office will be closed for Motor Vehicle, Driver's License, & Recording Transactions on November 5, 2024 for Election Day

You may renew your driver's license / vehicle registration, etc online at dmv.colorado.gov.  We also have a drop box located in Courthouse parking lot where you can drop off any type of payment.  We are also offering to do renewals over the phone. 
 If you have any questions please all 970-474-3346.

Clerk's Office


Clerk & Recorder's Office

Christy M Beckman - County Clerk

Kurt Dilsaver - Chief Deputy Clerk

315 Cedar St Ste 220

Julesburg, CO 80737



Fax: 970-474-0954

Open Monday - Friday 8am - 4pm

Drivers License Hours: Monday - Friday 8am - 330pm




The services provided by this office to Sedgwick County residents include, but are not limited to the following: